Last weekend I had the most AWESOME time in Charleston, South Carolina. I got to join my cousin Stacey of Smit’N Photography and attend the Seniorologie Shoot Out at the charming and uniquely southern, Inn at Middleton Place. The property was surrounded by huge, old oak trees covered in moss, dirt roads and the harmony sounds of the cicada, crickets, and frogs. It was so lovely for this Arizona girl to get away to such a dramatic climate and environment change. This phenomenal experience allowed us to learn and work alongside two of the most awesome senior photographers in the industry, Leslie Kerrigan and Courtney DeLaura and meet and connect with other talented photographers from around the country. Leslie and Courtney were so fun, helpful, informative and their sense of humor and silliness was absolutely INFECTIOUS! We all had a ball and enjoyed every moment of this in depth workshop and I cannot wait to apply what I’ve learned to my senior photography portion of my brand. Here are some of my favorite images I took during the “Alice and Wonderland” themed portion of the workshop, stylized by the lovely ladies of Seniorologie. What do you think?
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